Saturday, April 10, 2010


The triathlon was not what you'd call my finest day. I guess, on the one hand, I did exert myself really hard and even wound up with what I believe to be the first and second asthma attacks of my life. And I met some nice people. And got some very cheap shirts for cycling.
On the other hand, it was a brutal course- the bike was narrow, windy, steep and windy; the run was just steep and hot. I also got extremely confused about what I was supposed to be doing a number of times. One of the poor volunteers said, "Most of us have never been here either, so we don't know where things are!" Ha.
(Oh, and the final insult to injury- the race shirt totally doesn't way West Lake Resortopia in English.)
2-day bike race next weekend??????
Update: Turns out I was 12/38 women! Top 1/3, baby! And only 2 places from the key $500 NT the last few of the top ten finishers get. My run and bike were 6th and 7th fastest, so that's encouraging. My swim was... not last. Yeah. Also I think the run was longer than a 5k, as the fastest man was over 25 minutes and the fastest woman was near 30. So I'm not overly sad about my 35 minute finish there.

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