Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Remember when I said Taiwan seldom gets thunderstorms? I don't know what I was talking about. I think since I said that, we've gotten late-afternoon-thunderstorms about 5 times a week here in Taichung. It also seems like Taipei doesn't get them as often, so there goes (again) the whole Taichung-weather-is-better thing.
And they are some crazy shake-the-building type of thunderstorms. Usually pretty short and they do make for some cool nights. Also good for washing away all the crud in the air & on the ground from people frantically burning ghost money- I think it's the end or the beginning of Ghost Month. The ghost money is doing double-time.


rs.tampa08 said...

I would like to know how much money do you need to get started teaching in Taiwan? I know you have to pay for your flight to Taiwan but what else should you pay for after getting to Taiwan?

Christina said...

An apartment, and you would have to pay first months rent and 2 months rent worth of security deposit up front... so about $300 US or so? And a few hundred for a bicycle, basic househould stuff... and you won't get a paycheck for at least a month after you start working. I wouldn't come with less than $1500 US to tide me over but lots come with less and make it.