I have been a neglectful blogger lately. Partly I have been busy, partly I have been lazy.
Big excitement, though- I will do the Resortoptastic Triathlon on April 3, and I'm just gonna put it out there- I will come out of the water in the middle of the pack. (That means finishing the swim not in last place, for those of you who don't know triathlon-ese.)
And it looks like I will get to do a cycling race April 17-18- "The Tour of East Taiwan." It will be intense. 300+ km over 2 days. But I've been obsessed with it for a while, and you can only join if you have a team, and of course I don't, but I randomly found out about a company centered in Fong Yuan that will let any old schmuck join their team, a policy I highly support. Bike racing is a whole new league of crazy as good riders ride inches from the person in front of them at super-high speeds. But I will not do that. I will ride feet behind other people at moderately high speeds. I hope. I am not totally committed to this yet but I hope it works out.
Finally, I had secretly signed up for the half-marathon in Fong Yuan (as opposed to the marathon I had to drop out of training for) with the lame goal of being lame and run-walking it in 2:59 since 3 hours is the cut-off. But then I realized it's in the middle of my only 3-day weekend left in Taiwan and I think being lame just to get a t-shirt that says "Huludun Caring for Women & Children Half-Marathon" isn't worth missing out on a little vacation.
Ouch on your arm...Your lucky your young and can bounce back fast. Us old farts take a while to heal..lol..I found out I will be coming back to Taichung in June and July. This time I'm staying at hotel with a swiming pool. I will be working just a few doors from the Taiwan R&D Center for the Bike Industry and a friend of mine is a personal friends with some of the engineers there. Maybe I can get you some info on how to super tune your racing bike? I missed your few days off I was worried something had happened. I hope your arm feels better soon. Rich in MN
Oh, that was a year ago! It's find now.
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