Thursday, March 26, 2009

Of all the coincidences, the teacher I replaced at my new job had almost the same accident as me last year- riding a bike, had a car door opened into her, thought her arm was broken but it wasn't...

She's back in Canada but we've emailed back and forth- it turns out she has permanent damage to her muscle (has 80% use) and if they'd have caught it earlier they could have done surgery to fix it. She told me where to find the specialist she finally went to and I went to see him on Monday.

I guess my arm looks worse than hers did but no permanent damage to mine (according to him). He did sign me up for physical therapy (if I want to go). I have my health card now so it's $50 per time (less than $2 US). They do a thing where they put suction cups on your arm that make a light electrical current, then some concentrated heat.

I think it helps- today was the first day my arm didn't hurt too much. I guess I'll keep going, no real reason not to. I also have about half a dozen Chinese medicine remedies. The best one is one my student gave to me today- it's like a big patch that sticks to your arm and smells like cinnamon.

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