Wednesday, May 21, 2008

A cute kid story- in my class of first-graders, we have a word of the day, where they learn a word or phrase and we talk about it. Today's was "thinking about" and the one girl says, "Sharon is thinking about her boyfriend!" I said, do you really have a boyfriend, and she said yes. I asked if he was handsome, and she said no, he's crazy. I asked why she was his girlfriend, and she said "I don't know," but finally she said, "He likes me, but I don't like he." I asked why she was his girlfriend then, and she said, "He likes me. I have to!" Hmmm...

As for the old triathlon training, I recently found out that this stupid triathlon puts time limits on each leg, which are none too generous. It's 30 min for the swim (no idea if I can do that), 80 min for the bike (I've done a 28km ride on relatively flat ground in under that but only by a little) and 40 min for the 5k run (which means you can't walk for more than a minute or two). I'm sure I can work on the bike and run and hope for the best on the swim. I haven't been successful in asking about swimming lessons but I have been successful in finding some drills and stuff to do online... so we'll hope...

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